cusp forms — 2 articles found.

A Weighted Average of $L$-functions of Modular Forms

C. R. Math. Rep. Acad. Sci. Canada Vol. 43 (2) 2021, pp. 63-77
Vol.43 (2) 2021
M. Manickam; V. Kumar Murty, FRSC; E. M. Sandeep Details
(Received: 2021-03-09 , Revised: 2021-04-14 )
(Received: 2021-03-09 , Revised: 2021-04-14 )

M. Manickam , Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh 462066 INDIA; e-mail:,

V. Kumar Murty, FRSC,Department of Mathematics, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5S 2E4; e-mail:

E. M. Sandeep, Kerala School of Mathematics, Kunnamangalam, Kozhikode-673571, Kerala INDIA; e-mail:,


We consider a kernel function introduced by Kohnen and prove an asymptotic formula for a weighted sum of \(L\)-functions of modular forms.

On considère une fonction noyau introduite par Kohnen et démontre une formule asymptotique pour une somme pondérée de fonctions L de forms modulaires.

Keywords: Hecke eigenforms, Modular L-function, cusp forms, full modular group, integral weight, lower bound, non-vanishing.

AMS Subject Classification: Modular forms; one variable, Automorphic forms; one variable, Dirichlet series and functional equations in connection with modular forms 11F11, 11F12, 11F66

PDF(click to download): A Weighted Average of L-functions of Modular Forms

Fourier coefficients of modular forms over arithmetic progressions I

C. R. Math. Rep. Acad. Sci. Canada Vol. 15 (3) 1993, pp. 85–90
Vol.15 (2-3) 1993
R.A. Smith Details
(Received: 1993-06-01 )
(Received: 1993-06-01 )

R.A. Smith


No abstract available but the full text pdf may be downloaded at the title link below.

Keywords: Modular forms, arithmetic progressions, average order of arithmetic functions, cusp forms, functional equations

AMS Subject Classification: 10D15

PDF(click to download): Fourier coefficients of modular forms over arithmetic progressions I