index theory — 2 articles found.
Uniqueness of the Index Map in Banach Algebra K-theory, II
George A. Elliott,Department of Mathematics, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada M5S 2E4; e-mail:
It is shown that the index map in the theory of real Banach algebras is unique as a natural transformation, up to an integral multiple, and modulo a (unique) two-torsion “ghost” map arising from the order-two K\(_1\)-group of the Banach algebra \({\mathbb R}\) (of real numbers). (In the earlier paper this was shown for complex Banach algebras, of course without the “ghost” map, but in way—using Bott periodicity to pass to the opposite parity—that is not available for real Banach algebras. The present approach yields a new proof in the complex case.)
On démontre que l’application index dans la K-théorie des algèbres de Banach réelles (ou complexes) est essentiellment unique.
Keywords: K-theory, index theory
AMS Subject Classification:
Index theory, K-theory and operator algebras -including cyclic theory
19K56, 46L80
PDF(click to download): Uniqueness of the Index Map in Banach Algebra K-theory, II
Uniqueness of the Index Map in Banach Algebra K-Theory
George A. Elliott, Department of Mathematics, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 2E4; e-mail:
It is shown that the index map in Banach algebra K-theory, as a natural map from the K\(_1\)-group of a quotient of a Banach algebra to the K\(_0\)-group of the corresponding ideal, is unique (up to an integral multiple).
Il est démontré que l’application index dans la K-théorie des algèbres de Banach est unique, dans un sens très naturel.
Keywords: K-theory, index theory
AMS Subject Classification:
Index theory
PDF(click to download): Uniqueness of the Index Map in Banach Algebra K-Theory