residue classes — 1 articles found.

On the Diophantine Equation $x^{3} + by + 1 – xyz = 0$

C. R. Math. Rep. Acad. Sci. Canada Vol. 36 (1) 2014, pp. 15–19
Vol.36 (1) 2014
S. Subburam; R. Thangadurai Details
(Received: 2013-02-21 , Revised: 2014-02-18 )
(Received: 2013-02-21 , Revised: 2014-02-18 )

S. Subburam, Department of Mathematics, SASTRA University, Thanjavur - 613401, Tamil Nadu, India; e-mail:

R. Thangadurai, Harish-Chandra Research Institute, Chhatnag Road, Jhunsi, Allahabad - 211019, India; e-mail:


In this paper, we shall prove that all positive integral solutions \((x, y, z)\) of the diophantine equation \(x^{3} + by + 1 – xyz = 0\) satisfy \(x \le b\left((2b^{3} + b)^{3} + 1\right) + 1,\) \(y \le (2b^{3} + b)^{3} + 1,\) and \(z \le \left(b\left((2b^{3} + b)^{3} + 1\right) + 1\right)^{2} + 2b^{3} + b\) for a given positive integer \(b\). As an application of this result, we investigate the divisors of the sequence \(\{n^3+1\}\) in residue classes. More precisely, we study the following sums: \[\displaystyle\sum_{b \le X }\displaystyle\sum_{\tiny\begin{array}{c}d \mid n^{3} + 1 \\ d \equiv – b \pmod{n} \end{array}} 1 \hspace{0.1in}\text{and} \hspace{0.1in} \displaystyle\sum_{n \le X}\displaystyle\sum_{\tiny\begin{array}{c}d \mid n^{3} + 1 \\ d \equiv – b \pmod{n} \end{array}} 1\] for a given positive real number \(X\) and a positive integer \(b\).

Keywords: Diophantine equations, divisors, residue classes

AMS Subject Classification: Cubic and quartic equations 11D25

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