binary quadratic form — 1 articles found.
Positive Definite Binary Quadratic Forms, Quadratic Congruences, and Singular Curves
Ahmet Tekcan, Uludag University, Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics, Gorukle, Bursa, Turkiye; email:
Arzu Ozkoc, Uludag University, Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics, Gorukle, Bursa, Turkiye; email:
We consider some properties of positive definite binary quadratic forms \(F_{j}\) in the family \(\Omega \). We determine the number of integer solutions of quadratic congruences \(C_{F_{j}}\) and determine the number of rational points on singular curves \(E_{F_{j}}\) related to \(F_{j}\) over finite fields \(\mathbb{F}_{p}\).
On considère quelques propriétés des formes quadratiques binaires définies positives \(F_{j}\) dans la famille \(\Omega \). On détermine le nombre de solutions entières des congruences quadratiques \(C_{F_{j}}\), et le nombre de points rationnels sur des courbes singulières \(E_{F_{j}}\) reliées aux \(F_{j}\) sur des corps finis \(\mathbb{F}_{p}\).
Keywords: binary quadratic form, elliptic curve, quadratic congruence, singular curve
AMS Subject Classification:
Quadratic forms over general fields
PDF(click to download): Positive Definite Binary Quadratic Forms, Quadratic Congruences, and Singular Curves