17B20 — 1 articles found.

Representations of completely solvable Lie algebras over a ring of polynomials

C. R. Math. Rep. Acad. Sci. Canada Vol. 22 (2) 2000, pp. 77–81
Vol.22 (2) 2000
A. Grishkov Details
(Received: 1999-06-10 )
(Received: 1999-06-10 )

A. Grishkov


No abstract available but the full text pdf may be downloaded at the title link below.


AMS Subject Classification: Structure theory, Simple; semisimple; reductive (super)algebras (roots), Kac-Moody (super)algebras (structure and representation theory) 17B05, 17B20, 17B67

PDF(click to download): Representations of completely solvable Lie algebras over a ring of polynomials