
Welcome to the new website of Mathematical Reports – Comptes rendus mathématiques. There were a number of objectives in developing this new website:

  • To put the full text of articles online from the over 40 years of archives (recently completed in Sept 2019).
  • To implement a keyword and AMS subject classification (MSC) search
  • To allow for articles to be published more quickly by introducing a new category of “pre-publishing” called “online-first” for those articles that have been accepted and peer reviewed but not totally revised. They are presented in “Author’s draft” form until final publication
  • To implement a paid subscription for those subscribers who want online access to articles published in the most recent 5 years. Older than that will be available for public download.

We hope the website will help promote the field of mathematics in a productive and collaborative way.

George Elliott,
Managing Editor

10 thoughts on “Welcome!”

  1. This is a great initiative and I hope that soon all the comptes rendus will be available. In particular I’ve been trying to find the following article, for some time now and without success. Do you know if it’s going to be available here and when?
    “Andre Joyal, Regle des signes en algebre combinatoire, Comptes Rendus Mathematiques de l’Academie des Sciences, La Societe Royale du Canada, VII (1985), 285-290”

    Thank you

    Goncalo Marques

  2. I am looking for a paper by Z,Cao entitled “The diophantine equations x^4 -y^4 = z^p and
    x^4 -1 = dy2q published in C.R.Math.Rep.Sci.Canada (1)21 23-27 (1999).
    Could you perhaps send it to me by email?


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