little?-Bloch function — 1 articles found.

Some properties of?-Bloch functions

C. R. Math. Rep. Acad. Sci. Canada Vol. 16 (3) 1994, pp. 97–102
Vol.16 (2-3) 1994
Z. Lou Details
(Received: 1994-05-26 )
(Received: 1994-05-26 )

Z. Lou


No abstract available but the full text pdf may be downloaded at the title link below.

Keywords: ?-Bloch function, Carleson measure, Predual space, continuity, little?-Bloch function

AMS Subject Classification: Bloch functions; normal functions; normal families, Blaschke products; bounded mean oscillation; bounded characteristic; bounded functions; functions with positive real part 30D45, 30D50

PDF(click to download): Some properties of ?-Bloch functions