Blaschke fractions — 1 articles found.
Renormalization of Unicritical Analytic Circle Maps
Michael Yampolsky,Department of Mathematics, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada M5S 2E4; e-mail:
In this paper we generalize renormalization theory for analytic critical circle maps with a cubic critical point to the case of maps with an arbitrary odd critical exponent by proving a quasiconformal rigidity statement for renormalizations of such maps.
Dans cet article on généralise la théorie de la renormalisation pour les transformations criticales analytiques du circle à point critical cubique au cas de transformations à exposant critical impair arbitraire, en démontrant une affirmation de rigidité quasi-conforme.
Keywords: Blaschke fractions, Renormalization, critical circle maps, rigidity
AMS Subject Classification:
Maps of the circle, Universality; renormalization, Renormalization
37E10, 37E20, 37F25
PDF(click to download): Renormalization of Unicritical Analytic Circle Maps