Algebraic K1-group of a C*-algebra encodes bounded traces — 1 articles found.
K-Theory and Traces
George A. Elliott, Department of Mathematics, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada M5S 2E4; e-mail:
It is shown that for a unital C*-algebra, what is sometimes referred to as the Elliott invariant—loosely speaking, K-theory and traces— i.e., the order-unit K\(_0\)-group, the K\(_1\)-group, and the trace simplex, paired in the natural way with K\(_0\), can be expressed purely in terms of K-theory, with the trace simplex and its pairing with K\(_0\) recoverable in a simple way (using polar decomposition) from algebraic K\(_1\), defined as in the purely algebraic context using invertible elements rather than just unitaries.
L’invariant naïf d’Elliott, qui est à la base de la classification complète récente d’une énorme classe de C*-algèbres simples (celles qui sont de dimension nucléaire finie, qui sont séparables, et qui satisfont à l’UCT), peut s’exprimer entièrement dans le cadre de K-théorie algébrique.
Keywords: Algebraic K1-group of a C*-algebra encodes bounded traces
AMS Subject Classification:
None of the above; but in this section, $K_0$ as an ordered group; traces, General theory of $C^*$-algebras, Classifications of $C^*$-algebras; factors, K-theory and operator algebras -including cyclic theory
19B99, 19K14, 46L05, 46L35, 46L80
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