37F50 — 1 articles found.
KAM-renormalization and Herman Rings for 2D Maps
Michael Yampolsky, Department of Mathematics, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada M5S 2E4; e-mail: yampol@math.toronto.edu
In this note, we extend the renormalization horseshoe we have recently constructed with N. Goncharuk for analytic diffeomorphisms of the circle to their small two-dimensional perturbations. As one consequence, Herman rings with rotation numbers of bounded type survive on a codimension one set of parameters under small two-dimensional perturbations.
On étend le fer à cheval de renormalisation récemment construit avec N. Goncharuk pour les difféomorphismes analytiques du cercle à leurs petites perturbations à deux dimensions. Il suit que les anneaux de Herman à nombre de rotation de type borné survivent sur un ensemble de paramètres à codimension un sous petites perturbations à deux dimensions.
Keywords: Henon-like maps, Herman rings, rotation domains
AMS Subject Classification:
Renormalization, Small divisors; rotation domains and linearization; Fatou and Julia sets,
37F25, 37F50, 37F80
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